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发布时间:2023-06-09 18:37:02    作者:hz    来源:   


DTZ is an energy token launched by TotalEnergies, a leading international energy group, to cater to energy trading and settlement in various countries. As the circulating currency of global energy settlement, DTZ is not only the embodiment of the equity value of TotalEnergies, but also the crypto warrant of the holder whose circulation generates value return.


道达尔能源(Total Energies)的主要应用场景将涵盖能源供应链金融、能源产品的数字化交易、全球能源的支付与结算等,道达尔能源希望借助DTZ通证打开无疆域、无限制的数字化通道,最终打造一个以石油、天然气的勘探与生产以及可再生能源的开发与能源的转换,包括液化天然气、可再生能源电力、生物质能、以及炼油、化工和调配等业务为一体的产业链服务交易平台。 为了减少温室气体排放量、控制气温变化程度,响应全球碳中和政策,道达尔能源(Total Energies)始终将降低对化石能源的依赖、推进可再生能源的发展作为企业新的发展目标。

The main application scenarios of TotalEnergies will cover energy supply chain finance, digital trading of energy products, global energy payment and settlement, etc. TotalEnergies hopes to open a digital channel without borders and restrictions by virtue of the DTZ token, and ultimately create a digital channel based on the exploration and production of oil and natural gas, as well as the development and energy conversion of renewable energy, including liquefied natural gas, renewable energy power An industry chain service trading platform that integrates biomass energy, as well as refining, chemical, and blending businesses. In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, control the degree of temperature change, and respond to the global carbon neutral policy, TotalEnergies has always taken reducing its dependence on fossil energy and promoting the development of renewable energy as its new development goals.



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